Summer is on its way! Register now for an amazing week!
What are people saying about Camp Narnia?
Years of camp at Narnia still pepper our conversations and sharing at home. It's part of our kids' childhoods. They have a love of humour, theatre and the outdoors that I know was nurtured at Narnia. Fun just for the joy of it. -Cathy
I truly thought it was magical. Amazing camp, amazing memories. Thanks to all those who touched the lives of so many children. - Tamara
Positive and fun! My children and their parents loved Narnia and still do! Wishing you lots of success! - Vickie
One of my favourite memories was during teen camp when we put on a banquet dinner. It was fantastic using the wood stove for cooking and then having a councilor and a camper play the fiddle and flute while we all danced jigs late in to the night. I hope you flourish so I can send my kids there in a few years! - Agust
It was such an important part of my childhood and teen years also my first job and I'm happy to know another generation can have that experience!! - Lisa
The word is spreading! Camp Narnia was featured in the North Shore News summer edition and we will be having advertising spots in several Vancouver Island papers and in the June edition of Island Parent. We will also be in the Victoria Day parade so if you're in Victoria on Monday the 23rd come and see if you can spot the Narnians. I hear the White Witch and even Aslan might make an appearance...
Be sure to sign up for Camp soon! We also still have a few places open in our Leaders in Progress (LIP) program for 16 and 17 year olds. Please email the camp for more information if you, or someone you know might be interested. we hope to see you this summer!